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Observation on Teachers

As I have mentioned in my blog and in the previous tabs, we were grouped with three members and were assigned to a supervising teacher for each. We were assigned to Ms. Khairani so we she's the only teacher we had the chance to observe. We noticed that the teachers' practices weren't much different with our practices back home. She plans  her teaching  way ahead of the time so she could make revisions when she need to. The preparation of lessons and materials were part of the planning so she could deliver the discussion flawlessly. Like what she advised us, she prepares her learning activities beforehand and print them in the faculty where we also made use to print ours. Since they have updated technology, the teachers teach in class with the use of PowerPoint presentations as their visual aids. Their PowerPoint slides mostly have everything on it and will be explained by the teacher, unlike us that were trained to limit the words and pictured being presented on each slide because most of the content should come from the teacher. The slides should only guide the teacher with the flow of the lesson. Nonetheless, she still explains everything further that is presented on each slide. I noticed that Ms. Rani also shows the students how to do the problem or examples first. She, then, guides them on the next until they could answer the practice questions alone. It's like teaching them how to ride a bicycle with training wheels slowly coming off. This way of teaching seems to be very effective in the class. And of course, every teacher doesn't leave the room without making sure that the students understood the lesson. So Ms. Rhani gives concluding  activities as measurement of their learning and evaluation of their learning progress and also how well she taught the lesson or if her teaching style is effective. This is where she makes use her prepares worksheets. This helps her to pinpoint students' misunderstanding and misconceptions regarding the lesson so that she could clear it out right away.


We realized that there are some differences in practice but the purpose and attitude in teaching is the same. We get to familiarize the students and eventually get used to adjust our teaching style to what they prefer and need.

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