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Al-Amjad Islamic College implements an integrated curriculum that integrates Islamic values in each lesson, referring to the National Curriculum combined with the Al-Amjad Typical Curriculum and Local Content by balancing aspects of Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge.

The school also offers extracurricular activities such as scouts, sports, swimming, futsal, basketball, archery, martial arts, theater, dance, painting, music and more.


Al-Amjad Islamic University students will take part in various additional activities besides teaching and learning activities, including: Outbound; Field Trip; Extracurricular and Self Development; Student Exhibition and Stage;  and various activities that will develop students themselves both in terms of knowledge, skills, and religion.

Teaching Plan Related to Major

We were tasked to develop a learning plan right after we arrive there. We weren't asked to use any particular format of lesson plan so we made use of the ones we use back home for it to be easier for us. We were divided into 2 groups, three for each grade level, so we divided the task as well. Miss Ally, Sir Arvin, and I were able to finish a lesson plan for each topic and just use the same plan for all sections we handle. In that way, we will also be able to deliver the same discussion for all and no comparison will be done between the sections.


In the Philippines, teachers are required to follow a curriculum guide developed by the Department of Education as guide to what topics should be discussed first and what competencies should be met by the students. Before we made our lesson plan, we first asked about their curriculum guide but our supervising teachers said that they don’t have one. So based the content of our lesson plan solely to the book they provided us. We also asked what type of lesson plan they use in Al-Amjad for us to study how to make one of our own, but they suggested for us to use the ones we use back in the PH so that we won’t have a hard time. Here is what I come up with (click the button below).

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